Creating Successful Sponsorship Programs

Rosenthal’s specialty is development of successful corporate partnership programs for associations and not-for-profit organizations. He has expertise in all aspects of corporate partnerships: strategy; audit and assessment; valuation; pricing and packaging; marketplace analysis; education and training. He understands what motivates companies to partner with organizations based on hundreds of interviews he and his team have conducted with corporate executives.


Conducting a fact-finding analysis; an audit and assessment, interviews with internal and external stakeholders; and a competitive analysis provides the basis for knowing “where we are now and where we need to go” to develop a successful sponsorship program.


Creating a customized set of strategy and structure recommendation – including the unique value propositions for the organization and sponsors; sponsor benefits; packages; and fees – are the cornerstones of a sustainable program.


Launching a go-to-market plan for an organization’s sponsorship program – including collateral development; exploratory meetings with sponsor prospects; and sponsor proposal development and negotiations – sets the stage for early success.


Presenting education sessions at national, state, and local conferences of association and non-profit organization professionals – and contributing articles – helps to advance sponsorship program best practices.


What people are saying...

Thank you so much for your participation during our conference. As always, you do a quality presentation and we are very grateful for your willingness to share your knowledge, insights, and feedback.

–Fundraising Association Executive

Bruce's approach to nonprofit sponsorship and partnership is a unique and profitable way to engage with corporate sponsors that provides year-long and potentially life-long value and benefit to both the nonprofit and the sponsor.

–Nonprofit Podcaster

As we get near the end of your consulting project with us, I want to share what a delightful and educational process it has been. I readily admit to entering as a bit of a skeptic but am converted. Well done!

–President & CEO, Business Association

One of the best moves I made was to hire Bruce Rosenthal Associates to review our corporate partnership program. Bruce expertly and comprehensively analyzed our program. He provided guidance and training as we launched our new program. As a result, not only has revenue increased, but so has partner satisfaction.

–Associate Executive Director, Education Association


About Bruce Rosenthal

Bruce Rosenthal is a corporate sponsorships strategist dedicated to helping associations develop transformational sponsorship and partnership programs. These programs are designed to increase revenue, enhance member value, grow the association’s brand, fulfill the association's mission, and ensure organizational sustainability.

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Podcast featuring Bruce Rosenthal discussing successful sponsorship strategies

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